full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Knut Haanaes: Two reasons companies fail -- and how to avoid them

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Exploration. elaioroxptn is about coming up with what's new. It's about search, it's about discovery, it's about new products, it's about new innovations. It's about changing our frontiers. Our heroes are poplee who have done exploration: Madame criue, Picasso, Neil Armstrong, Sir Edmund Hillary, etc. I come from Norway; all our heeros are explorers, and they deserve to be. We all know that exploration is risky. We don't know the answers, we don't know if we're going to find them, and we know that the risks are high.

Open Cloze

Exploration. ___________ is about coming up with what's new. It's about search, it's about discovery, it's about new products, it's about new innovations. It's about changing our frontiers. Our heroes are ______ who have done exploration: Madame _____, Picasso, Neil Armstrong, Sir Edmund Hillary, etc. I come from Norway; all our ______ are explorers, and they deserve to be. We all know that exploration is risky. We don't know the answers, we don't know if we're going to find them, and we know that the risks are high.


  1. curie
  2. people
  3. exploration
  4. heroes

Original Text

Exploration. Exploration is about coming up with what's new. It's about search, it's about discovery, it's about new products, it's about new innovations. It's about changing our frontiers. Our heroes are people who have done exploration: Madame Curie, Picasso, Neil Armstrong, Sir Edmund Hillary, etc. I come from Norway; all our heroes are explorers, and they deserve to be. We all know that exploration is risky. We don't know the answers, we don't know if we're going to find them, and we know that the risks are high.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
long term 2
success trap 2

Important Words

  1. answers
  2. armstrong
  3. changing
  4. coming
  5. curie
  6. deserve
  7. discovery
  8. edmund
  9. exploration
  10. explorers
  11. find
  12. frontiers
  13. heroes
  14. high
  15. hillary
  16. innovations
  17. madame
  18. neil
  19. people
  20. picasso
  21. products
  22. risks
  23. risky
  24. search
  25. sir